Everything You Need to Know About Land Surveying Companies
If you are searching for a land surveyor in your area, it’s important to know what services they can provide and how much it will cost. This guide will answer all of your questions about land surveying companies, including what they do, what you need to provide them with when ordering a property survey, and the average cost of having a survey done.
What Do Land Surveying Companies Do?
Land surveying companies measure the boundaries of parcels of land in order to determine ownership rights and boundaries. They use precise instruments and methods to accurately determine the dimensions and features of properties such as roads, buildings, rivers, streams, lakes, utility lines, trees and other objects that are visible from the ground or air. A surveyor may also analyze maps created by previous surveyors or engineers to ensure accuracy in current measurements.
How Much Does It Cost for a Property Survey?
The cost for a property survey varies depending on the size of the parcel being surveyed, location of the property, type of terrain in question (flat or mountainous), accessibility (is there an existing road or does one have to be built?), environmental concerns (wetlands?), local laws and regulations that might impact survey results (zoning restrictions) , etc. Generally speaking though, most property surveys range from $500-$3,000 depending on these factors.
What Do We Need To Provide When Ordering A Property Survey?
When ordering a property survey from a land surveying company there are certain things you need to provide them with such as deed(s) with legal descriptions; title report showing prior owners; plats/maps; aerial photographs; easements; utility locations/plans; vista shots/reference photos; maps/boundary notes from past surveys; GPS points; subdivision plans/vacation maps; corner monuments located during previous surveys if any exist on the property boundary lines. Additionally any information regarding local laws and regulations regarding zoning restrictions should also be provided if applicable.
Land Survey Companies Near Me Conclusion
If you are looking for a land surveying company near you it’s important to understand what services they can provide and exactly how much it will cost you for their services. Knowing what to expect when ordering a property survey is key so that you are prepared with all the necessary documents needed from your end before hiring someone for their services. The cost for a property survey varies depending on the size of the parcel being surveyed as well as other factors such as location of the property and terrain type which must be taken into account when calculating prices. With this knowledge in hand hopefully this article has helped answer some important questions when considering hiring a land surveying company near you! We are located in Nephi, central to all of Utah. Call today for more information.