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Land Surveyor In Mona

Land Surveyor In Mona

Land Surveyor In Mona

Land Surveyor In Mona – located just South of Mona, we can cover and handle every project that may come our way in this great town of Mona. The people and the area are wonderful. A small town just 20 minutes South of Provo, Utah, there are many parcels of land that can be surveyed when needed.

In most areas of Mona, fence lines have been the norm within the city limits. An old survey was conducted in the early 1900’s where the fence lines in most cases along the roadways are the boundary lines. This is true for boundary lines along the road, but not for fence lines within the interior of the block system.

On the out skirts of Mona or what we call within the Sectional system, old surveys need to be re-traced and property corners calculated by a professional land surveying crew. No one knows the Mona area more than Ludlow Engineering. To learn more about our services, be sure to visit our land surveyor main web site today.

Why Ludlow Engineers

Hiring Ludlow Engineers and Associates you get the job done right. There are no corners cut or acceptance of property lines due to fence lines or occupation. Only a judge can rule on occupation. Legal descriptions that are located within the Juab County Recorders office, is what is used as legal papers. When we conduct the survey, we do identify any differences in deed line and occupancy line. We stand ready to assist the owners to make them be one.

If you are needing a property survey done in the Mona area, please call Ludlow Engineers today. Our highly skilled professionals are ready to help you determine boundaries and alleviate disputes if they arise. Ludlow’s uses state of the art equipment and will guarantee an honest, accurate survey. Our firm prides itself in being familiar with this area in Juab County. We have worked here for over 40 years and have developed relationships and rapport with county officials here. You can count on the professionals at Ludlow Engineering and Land Surveying to work hard and provide you with the information necessary for your needs.

Call today (435) 623-0897