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Modular Home Foundation Inspections

Modular Home Foundation Inspections

Modular Home Foundation Inspections

Modular Home Foundation Inspections

Utah Inspections on Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing are done by Ludlow Engineering and Land Surveying.

Located in Central Utah we are able to access most the the State of Utah for Foundation inspections.  We inspect the foundations of manufactured homes and give our professional opinion of the existing structure.


Modular Home Foundation Inspections

This process is estimated between $250-$450, depending upon the size and location of the home.  Our real sales point is this – Our firm guarantees that all of our observations and reports will be delivered within 48 hours or our clients receive a 20% discount.  We are that confident in our work and turn around time to accomplish this last minute requirement for house funding.

Call Now at 435.623.0897 for us to inspect your home today.  


Modular Home Foundation Inspections – Sample of Wording found in Engineering Report

November 5, 2009


It is understood and agreed that this inspection & evaluation by Ludlow Engineering is of readily accessible areas of the building and is limited to visual observation and apparent conditions existing at the time of the inspection.  This report is not intended and should not be considered as a certification and/or guarantee of the work performed.

Based on your request, this inspection was made on November 5, 2009 to check the integrity and status of the structural foundation system.

The manufactured home was rectangular in shape, measuring approximately 27’-0” x 41’-10”.  It is supported along its entire perimeter by an 8” concrete foundation wall.  Looking through the crawl space, the home was supported at the underside by (4) steel I-beams running the length of the building.  Steel Jacks support the I-beams at approximately 5 feet o.c.

During our observation, steel hold-down straps were inspected and appear to have been installed according to minimum standard requirements.  Said Straps are tied to the I-beams and a concrete block.  The footings that supported the jacks appeared to be adequate in size.

During the inspection, it was noted that a covered patio was installed.  The covered patio was constructed with a post and beam system.  The roof has been attached to the existing home.  The covered patio is approximately 8’-5”x 36’-10”.  The tributary width that is supported by the home is 4’-3”.  The rest of the load is transferred to the ground by columns and placed on a footing system under the concrete patio.  I inspected the inside of the home and did not view any stress on the home due to the additional load.  It appears the home is stable.  It is our opinion, that the cover patio has not affected the structural stability of the home.

The residence’s foundation system appears to be in satisfactory condition with no sign of stress and meets minimum building standard requirements, including Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing published in September 1996 and Mona City building requirements.

If we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact us.



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